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The Relationship Book is a 240-page illustrated gift and self-help book, soulfully exploring the many relationships in your life for leveled-up intimacy, a deeper sense of belonging, and awakened confidence.

listen to rachel read pages from The Relationship Book
‘Through and Through’ - Page 128
00:00 / 00:59
‘Highly Sensitive’ - Page 143
00:00 / 01:06
‘My Shining Stars’ - Page 168
00:00 / 00:58

The Great Green Okayness: A Field guide to Seeing Your Uncommon Magnificence
The Great Green Okayness is a 160-page field guide to discovering the beautiful wildlife within, infused with a dollap of nourishing honey and delectable color. Wise author and artist Rachel Awes, a psychologist of twenty years, created these works of the magnificent human heart from her reflections following client sessions. Each passage and corresponding artwork speak to the soul like a potent, powerful reduction of boiled-down truth and goodness that every one of us needs daily, a homecoming gift to our humanity. Open to any page and find the passage that you need now. From the African plain to the great cosmos, Awes takes her readers on a journey to discover the beauty around, within, and always.

listen to rachel read pages from The Great Green Okayness
‘Your Worth is Unlimited’- page 13
00:00 / 00:39
‘Be Uncommon’- page 45
00:00 / 01:02
‘Lean in to Who You Are Becoming’- page 68
00:00 / 00:55

all i did was listen

all i did was listen is a 232-page, full-color, illustrated gift-book, filled with inspiring quotes from Rachel’s psychotherapy clients, that strung together, tell a story about how healing can happen for all of us. Rachel accompanies each quote with a colorful illustration + written reflection. The book closes with a few pages of questions that can be used for personal inspiration/reflection +/or group study/book club.
listen to rachel read pages from all i did was listen
‘Messiness Inside’ -page 18
00:00 / 01:18
‘Something Like This’ -page 50
00:00 / 00:58
‘Choosing Clothing’ -page 110
00:00 / 01:19
‘Be Myself’ -page 202
00:00 / 00:39

diving in

diving in is a 96 page, full color, visual + poetic invitation, using water as metaphor, to dive into the one life that is so beautifully yours.

listen to rachel read pages from diving in
‘Introduction’- page 9
00:00 / 00:51
Books are available here:
Additional gift & book shops across the United States
Select Barnes & Noble stores across the United States
Available wholesale through Instagram

Information for store owners + press:
Available wholesale through Ingram or directly through Rachel,
who can be contacted at:
The Relationship Book
ISBN # 978 1 6348 9021 2
The Great Green Okayness
ISBN # 978 1 63489 021 2
all i did was listen
ISBN # 978 1 4675 4772 7
diving in
ISBN # 978 1 4675 9830 9
Rachel is available for signings and readings.
©2011-2022 Rachel Awes
Designed by hellomrdesigner
Rachel Awes

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