I wanted to introduce you to the loveliness of Dori Patrick, our Q & A, and her dearest inspiration. I thought you might find her to be a like-minded soul and a bright light for your day! I'm dearly grateful to connect with Dori and each of you! If you would like to see, you can also hop over to Dori's blog post today on her website and see her questions and my responses! Her website link is at the bottom of this post! All shared with LOVE! xox, Rachel
AND! There are TWO FREE GIVEAWAYS! I'm offering a free giveaway on her blog post today that goes live at 9 AM CST today (her website link included at the bottom of this post) AND DarlingDori's giveaway is ALSO listed at the bottom of this post!

1. You have been including single words in your colorful mixed media art these days like "fiesty, believe, smitten, hope, beloved, restore, treasure, rise, reflect, intentions, leap, fly, justice, imagine, frolic, twirl, explore, create, yes, dance, forgive." Can you pick a few of these words to say more about how they move/inspire/speak to you?
I LOVE words! I know you do too! My word a day journal is a daily prompt I gave myself to use up an old planner that was going to waste. I am giving myself the challenge to work a page a day. Each page includes a swoosh of paint, a scribble of pencil or crayon, and some collage material. My choice of word depends on what’s going on that day and what springs to mind. It’s become a great warm up exercise to start my work in the studio. Some of my favorite words in the journal so far are: “feisty,” because you gotta have spunk. “Unwavering” is a good word for reminding us to stay strong when times get tough. And “Yes” is something I’m trying to work on saying more often…..yes to new experiences, opportunities, etc.

2. Can you tell us about your darling rescue dogs? Are they artists too?
Thanks for asking about them! They are my best buds! Bosco is an 11 year old chocolate lab we rescued from the pound. His previous owner had passed away suddenly and that is where he found himself. In the beginning, he had a lot of separation anxiety. But he quickly came to realize that we were his home, and he could trust us. He is just the biggest love. We call him The Sheriff, because his job is checking the perimeter of the back yard and general supervision of all shenanigans. He’s kind of a serious guy…but will occasionally break out into silliness, which is wonderful.
Callie Mae Butterbean is a 4 year old yellow lab we adopted from a local shelter. We don’t know much about her back story, other than she had been a mama at one point. That girl is JOY PERSONIFIED. She is always wagging her tail, and is up for FUN, FUN, FUN all the time. She’s a goofball who plays hard and sleeps harder. And she’s a snuggler. She loves to curl up in the crook of your legs on the couch. My husband and I both work from home, so it’s a great set up for them. They both spend their days wandering in and out of rooms, checking on their people. The best thing about dogs is they get you into the present moment. I guess in that way, they are artists!

3. What are some projects or art creations you have made that hold a special spot in your heart?
My art journals are so special to me. I just love working in books….I guess it’s the intimacy of it. They are just for me, and I can choose to share them with others or not. When I page through them, they take me back to specific times in my life. I miss teaching and hosting art journaling classes…and hope to get back to that soon.
I also miss creating with my friends with developmental disabilities. When I had my storefront called The Dreaming Bear, I hosted groups from The Arc, where we made all kinds of wonderful things….painted pumpkins in the fall, designed Christmas ornaments, etc. I have such happy memories from that time, and hope we can meet up again later this year, as the pandemic lifts.
Finally, one more favorite project was a pair of butterfly wings I painted for my friend Gae! Her hubby cut out these giant wooden wings for me to paint, and they are still affixed to the side of her building (a chocolate shop) where folks can stop and have their picture taken. When I revealed them to her, she had tears in her eyes. That was such a sweet moment.

4. Have colors always been a part of your life? Any memories tied to colors you might like to share?
Yes, I think I have always loved color! I come from a long line of creative/handy women. My mom is a very talented seamstress and she made our home lovely growing up. I remember her making everything for our home: curtains, cushions, wall hangings, etc. She also sewed a lot of our clothes when we were little. It was so special, wearing unique things that no one else had. I remember tagging along with her to the fabric store to pick out supplies for the next project. Even when money was tight I always had access to supplies to make things….I guess it’s in my blood. I can’t help myself. Ha!

5. You seem so free to be yourself/express yourself in your art and in your clothing. What helps you to be free, authentic and beautifully you?
What a nice thing to say! Thank you! Well, it sure helps to have a supportive partner. I’m lucky to have a hubby and family who encourage me, and just love me for me. I surround myself with an inspiring tribe of friends who simply want the best for us. And I for them. I don’t settle for anything less. As I age, it becomes easier to spot the kind of people I want to be around. I sure don’t do things perfectly. I’m always learning, stretching and forgiving myself on the daily. But you’ve got to keep showing up, dusting yourself off, and getting back at it. Woo hoo!

AND DarlingDori is offering YOU this GIVEAWAY!!! The package includes two 8x10 prints, a couple of greeting cards and a bag of minis! Here is how you enter! You can either email me directly at rachelawes@gmail.com and simply say you are entering Dori's giveaway, or you can also enter by leaving a comment on my Instagram post about this, today! I'll randomly pick a name on Friday and send your name to Dori and she will mail these yummies out to you next week! Sound awesome? :)
AND don't forget to hop over to her blog to receive my giveaway as well! (See her website link below!)
6. Where can we find you? Online links/art shows/simply shining?
I’m currently teaching for the Make Create Express 2021 online retreat! I’m sharing my art journaling process, along with 27 other artists from around the world! You can sign up for it HERE
My Website HERE
Instagram HERE
Facebook HERE
Thank you for joining us, darling Dori!